Senior Patrol Leader: Nathan G. and Gabrielle P. *
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader: John C. and JoHannah G. *
Troop Guide: Dom C. and Gwen W. *
Bugler: CJ M.
Chaplain Aide: Reed K.
Den Chief(s): Dom C.
Lucas M.
Taylor M.
Stephen S.
Eli Y.
Thaddeus H.
Historian: (Vacant)
Librarian: Chad C.
Order of the Arrow Troop Representative(s): Landon R. and CJ M.
Patrol Leaders
Blood Hounds Patrol: Thaddeus H. *
Sons Of Liberty Patrol: Reed K *
The Raptors Patrol: Lucas M. *
The Amazing Backflipping Fire Breathing Rubber Duck Patrol: Gabrielle P.*
Quartermaster: Dom C. and Mackenzie D.
Scribe: Lucas M. and Mae S. *
Webmaster: (Vacant)
Instructor: (Vacant)
Outdoor Ethics Guide: (Vacant)
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster (16 or older): (Vacant)